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July 28, 2003 - 3:45 p.m.

Ok, first things first�My e-mail link at the top of the page is working now, I just tested it, so e-mail away. Secondly, the little box at the top of the page next to the monster that says �join� is my notify list, so if you�d like to be notified when I update this diary, or get little messages that I might send just for kicks, gimme your e-mail. I promise I won�t pass it along or send any nasties there. Now that that�s taken care of, on with the show.

The sometimes weekly installment of The Most Awesome Thing I Saw This Week (tm Kim) . So, I was once again driving through my neighborhood, wait, let me back up and give you some history first. I live in and near what I guess you could call �transition neighborhoods.� You know the kind where it used to be kind of run down, with cheap rents and lots of students, artists and random kinds of folks. Traditionally sort of artsy and possibly a little dangerous, but now people (read: developers) are coming in and building lofts and condos on anything that stands still long enough. The longtime residents aren�t loving this change as it drives up rents and brings in people that don�t understand the history of the place, I guess. Anyway, a group of enterprising residents decided to voice their protest in a new way. They copied the design of many of the signs posted advertising these fairly expensive, quickly put up lofts and condos and posted the following (the most awesome thing I saw last week):

Yuppie Ghetto
Pretentious, overpriced living
Lofty Lofts and Condos

It looks exactly like the real estate signs posted everywhere and completely cracked me up. I can�t imagine it�s going to make any kind of difference, but I guess it was something they felt they had to do to protect the integrity of the neighborhood. In any case, I thought it was hilarious, not only what it said, but also the fact that someone took the time to post all of 3 of these signs around.

Other than that I don�t have much to report. The Lounge Lizard is in town now, which is very exciting, and the Lobster and I are going out to dinner with him tonight. It should be really fun to catch up since I haven�t see the Lizard in over a year, though after an alcohol heavy weekend I�m not sure I�m up to it.

The good news, my bee sting is almost completely healed, however, I had another fabulous asshole move this weekend. A few of us were over at the Lobster�s just hanging out after eating copious amounts of barbeque. The Lobster has 2 couches that are positioned perpendicular to each other. We were on one, I was stretched out with my legs in Lobster�s lap, and his new roomie was on the other. I decided that I wanted to shimmy down a little so I was lying more prone-like, but I was wearing a skirt and I didn�t want to flash the new roomie. So I tried the hold-the-skirt-together-with-one-hand-and-shimmy-down-using-the-other, if you�re not familiar with that particular move it probably gets a 9.6 difficulty rating. Well, I was hungover, excessively full of barbeque and very very tired, so you can imagine how well this went. I grabbed the skirt, began the shimmy, lost my balance and went crashing into the coffee table with my knee and chin. You know I�ve always known I�m a bit of an asshole, but lately I�m like a walking punchline; or rather, a limping one. Yeesh.

Wondering:What happened. I used to be really. Really!

Doing:Trying to rally before tonight.

Wishing:I were asleep.

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True Art - June 21, 2004
Car Again, Part the 12th - April 25, 2004
Badger - January 15, 2004
Gorilla-hand guys and skater boys - January 07, 2004
Hellooooo 21st Century! - January 05, 2004

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